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Product Feed Format String Specification

The format of virtually all affiliate product feeds is automatically detected by the parser. In the event that a format string is not determined correctly, and the format of the product feed is not in the drop down box, you can use the information below to work out the correct value to use. Format string values contain a number of parameters separated by the pipe ("|") character. If you ever experience a problem registering a new product feed and would like help, simply contact us by email with the product feed attached (zipped if possible).

XML Format

Parameter Description
1 - Base Type "xml" (without the quotes)
2 - Repeating Element XPath The XPath expression of the element within the document that repeats for each record. For example, the repeating element XPath for an Affiliate Window XML feed is "PRODUCTS/PRODUCT/" (without the quotes)

CSV Format

Parameter Description
1 - Base Type "csv" (without the quotes)
2 - Field Separator ASCII character code of the field separator. Common values include 44 (comma), 9 (tab), 124 (pipe) and 59 (semi-colon). Can be any character code in the range 0-255.
3 - Header Row? 0 (no) or 1 (yes)
4 - Text Delimiter ASCII character code of the text delimiter. Common values include 34 (double quote) and 39 (single quote). Can be any character code in the range 1-255. 0 indicates no text delimitation.


xml|PRODUCTS/PRODUCT/ XML file, records enclosed by <products><product> ... </product></products>
csv|44|0|0 CSV file, comma separated values, no header row
csv|9|1|0 CSV file, tab separated values, header row