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Niche Mode - creating a shadow products_all table

Submitted by support on Tue, 2017-10-31 11:20 in

Hi All,

Niche Mode enables the import to be restricted to only those product names configured in Product Mapping or derived from a Product Mapping By RegExp rule. This means however that once enabled, admin tools that query the products table only have visibility of the imported products.

To create a shadow `products_all` table that can be used by the admin search functions and Imported Analysis, first create and run the following dbmod.php from the top level of your Price Tapestry installation:

$sql "CREATE TABLE `".$config_databaseTablePrefix."products_all` LIKE `".$config_databaseTablePrefix."products`";

Next, edit includes/admin.php and look for the following code beginning at line 451:

    /* niche mode */
    if ($config_nicheMode)
      if (

...and REPLACE with:

    /* niche mode */
    if ($config_nicheMode)
      $nicheModeImport = (
      $nicheModeImport = TRUE;

And then the following code at line 523:

    if (database_queryModify($sql,$insertId))

...and REPLACE with:

    if ($nicheModeImport)
    $sql = str_replace("`".$config_databaseTablePrefix.$table."`","`".$config_databaseTablePrefix."products_all`",$sql);
    if (database_queryModify($sql,$insertId))

And finally the following code at line 738:

    $admin_importProductCount = 0;

...and REPLACE with:

    $sql = "DELETE FROM `".$config_databaseTablePrefix."products_all` WHERE filename='".database_safe($admin_importFeed["filename"])."'";
    $admin_importProductCount = 0;

Edit admin/helper.php and look for the following code at line 22:

    $sql = "SELECT DISTINCT(".$field.") FROM `".$config_databaseTablePrefix."products` WHERE ".$field." LIKE '%".database_safe($q)."%' ORDER BY ".$field." LIMIT 6";

...and REPLACE with:

    $sql = "SELECT DISTINCT(".$field.") FROM `".$config_databaseTablePrefix."products_all` WHERE ".$field." LIKE '%".database_safe($q)."%' ORDER BY ".$field." LIMIT 6";

Edit admin/feeds_utils_imported.php and use your text editor's Search and Replace function to search:


...and REPLACE with:


(4 instances, lines 98/194/229/307)

With that in place; following the next full import, admin search functions and Imported Analysis will then have visibility of all products.
