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Want Want Want!

Submitted by searley on Thu, 2006-02-16 07:50 in

OK, this is my list or wants, some will fit into the pro-version, and some the standard.

I decided after tidying up my site a little to sit down with my mother who wants to buy a new fridge, take notes from what she thought as a shopper, she only really raised 2 issues

She click Category > Fridges and 300+ were shown, without any order, she said these are all expensive ones, I only want to pay £300 so we waded though pages and pages..
So some for of user defined filters Sort by: Price, Name, Store ASC or DEC

The next problem is Where I have 5 feeds with fridges, only about 90 of the 300 shown were unique clicking the name was ok because 4 items were compared, but if they match in this way, only 1(preferably with description) should be shown in the search along with: 4 matches Price £294 - £325 click to compare

These 2 features alone will make the site much more usable for visitors..

Setup Features

On a site design side it may be nice to use templates with place holders, the complete control can be had over design.. failing that some simple variable could be moved to the config file, such as the table width, this as standard is set at 768, to wide for what I wanted, so every time there is an update for new features I will have to play hide and seek..

Featured products, allow admin to select featured products for display on the front page.

Rate & Review
Category Grouping, instead of using filters per merchant to change categories, it might be worth some way of saying TV’s, Televisons, Television are all the same, and show as Televisions. This is then a set of rules that needs only creating once.
Category/Merchant listing, separate the list into 2 columns, I guess create a table with 2 columns do a record count, and half way though split to the new column.
