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Advanced Search

Submitted by pgabriel on Wed, 2007-01-10 10:21 in


I would like to have an advancedsearch.php. This link will be called from the main page of the scrip and called only if the user wants it. In this advanced search i would like to have:
- the main categories in a drop down menu
- a choice to select the sort (relevance, reviews, price low to high, price high to low)
- price between....$ to ....$
- a choice to select if the user wants to search in title or description or both (drop down)

Can this be done?

Thanks in advance,

Submitted by support on Wed, 2007-01-10 14:31

Hello Gabriel,

There's quite a lot of work involved in making all the database and search method changes required to support the kind of advanced search features you want to offer; however most of them have been covered separately in other threads.

First of all; to provide search over title and description you need to modify the database structure and create the required new full text index. More details in the following thread:

There are some mods available that can support min / max price, but as this involves changes to many files I have it available as a .zip file which I will email to you (with mod instructions) in just a moment...

Once all these changes are in place and working you can then look at created your advanced search page - but again please don't underestimate the work involved here - the search provided by the script as it stands works well in the majority of cases...


Submitted by pgabriel on Wed, 2007-01-10 14:42

Thanks for your reply and for the email. I will do the changes and see how it looks. I want to provide the advanced search like Froogle but not all, just some mods.

Thanks again,

Submitted by pgabriel on Wed, 2007-01-10 14:56

i have modified my code and it works fine. But i want to do a separate advancedsearch.php that could be called from main page just like Froogle. index.php i wish to remain how it is, only with the search field. And to do a separate search file called advancedsearch.php in wich i wish to insert the optional code (min/max price, main cat etc)


Submitted by support on Wed, 2007-01-10 15:58

Hi Gabriel,

How are you getting on with your new search page? I would make a copy of index.php and call it advancedsearch.php. Then, instead of adding the min/max price boxes to html/searchform.php, simply copy the content from searchform.php and paste it directly into your new advancedsearch.php. Don't forget to remove the call to require("html/searchform.php").


Submitted by pgabriel on Sun, 2007-02-04 14:22

Here it is my advanced_search_form.php

What and where should i modify here and in search.php?


Submitted by support on Sun, 2007-02-04 16:28

Hi Gabriel,

Can you email me the files, it will be easier to make the changes, then i'll send them back to you...
