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Webgains Datafeeds

Submitted by babrees on Wed, 2022-06-08 05:03 in

Hi David

Hope you're keeping well.

I'm setting up a new site. Have setup the Awin feeds using the automation tool with no problem. However, all the Webgains feeds come empty.

It is not the feed url as I downloaded one manually and the feed was fine.

I had this problem before ( ), but when I tried your correction for curl_setopt($ch,CURLOPT_HEADER,0); it broke the site.

I know that I managed to get it working previously, but stupidly for some reason I forgot to make a note of what happened and how it got working.

On this site I downloaded a fresh install of PT.

Any ideas?


Submitted by support on Wed, 2022-06-08 10:24

Hi Jill,

I would first try changing to php as the handler by editing config.advanced.php at line 43 as follows;

  $config_automationHandler = "php";

If still no joy, it may still be an https issue - if the feed URLs work using http that might be all you need to do...


Submitted by babrees on Wed, 2022-06-08 11:30

Thank you David!

That did the trick and I have made a note of it for future reference!
