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Products Not Appearing For Some Search Terms

Submitted by Stew on Thu, 2021-09-30 17:12 in

Hi David,

Wondering if you can help, something strange is happening with some phrases I'm adding in wordpress, for example:

[queryterm termname="naomi"]

shows zero products on a live page,

But if I visit the Product Finder (/finder.php) and search the same term 'naomi' the product appears in the finder...

E.g. the product is in the feed, but isn't showing up on live pages when using the [queryterm termname="naomi"]

Any ideas how we can fix? We're seeing this across a few pages,

Many thanks,


Submitted by support on Fri, 2021-10-01 06:47

Hi Stew,

It's been several years since I helped with the code behind that, please could you email me the script containing the handler code for the queryterm shortcode (pto.php?) and also finder.php so that I can compare the query...
