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Category Hierarchy Mapping

Submitted by McCloud on Wed, 2020-05-27 13:37 in

Hello David,

2 Questions:

1. Where i can import the currency sign like € for every Price

2. I made many categories. Then i import a datafeed with the categories from the merchant.
Then i go to the Category Hierarchy Mapping an choose the shop at the and and reverse mapping.
Then i change every categorie from the merchant to a category from mine.
But nothing happend. All the categories from the merchant are on my site. I tried it out with $config_useCategoryHierarchy = FALSE; and with TRUE

I hope you can help me.

regards, Peter

Submitted by support on Wed, 2020-05-27 13:55

Hi Peter,

The currency should be set in your config.php file at line 18 - for EUR I would suggest using the HTML entity e.g.

  $config_currencyHTML = "€";

Regarding Category Hierarchy Mapping, as this is only applied at import time and only if the hierarchy is enabled, first ensure that it is enabled in config.advanced.php at line 93:

  $config_useCategoryHierarchy = TRUE;

...and then run a full import again before checking that the categories have been mapped as expected on the front end..


Submitted by McCloud on Wed, 2020-05-27 14:19

Hello David,

thank you for the fast answer. Now i know it and once again thank you.

One more question and i hope this is my last one.

Where i can change the link to the shop, that it open in a new window?

Cheers, Peter

Submitted by support on Wed, 2020-05-27 14:30

Hi Peter,

Sure - there's a small mod which puts it all in one place rather than making changes wherever a link to the shop is made described in this comment...


Submitted by McCloud on Wed, 2020-05-27 15:41

Hi David,

and again thank you. But i have another problem:

Every single date with the same product name could not imported. Is it possible to change, that only datas not imported with the same EAN?

Sorry for my bad english and i hope you understand me :)

regards, Peter

Submitted by support on Wed, 2020-05-27 15:57

Hi Peter,

Sure - you can make merchant+ean the basis for duplicate prevention instead of merchant+name - to do this, edit includes/admin.php and look for the following code at line 482:

    $dupe_key .= tapestry_mb_strtolower($searchName);

...and REPLACE with:

    $dupe_key .= $importRecord["ean"];

The replacement assumes that every product for every feed you are working with has EAN - if that is not the case, and you need to prevent duplicates by name if there is no ean then instead, REPLACE with:

    if ($importRecord["ean"])
      $dupe_key .= $importRecord["ean"];
      $dupe_key .= tapestry_mb_strtolower($searchName);

(changes applied at import time)

Hope this helps!
