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Add functionality to the search page

Submitted by Tobix on Mon, 2020-01-20 09:55 in

I wanted to add functionality when I search for products.
For example, insert "su merchant" and an icon (heart) where I directly insert the product on the shopping list.

It's possible?

Submitted by support on Mon, 2020-01-20 11:44

Hi Tobix,

Sure - first add the following PHP section to the top of html/searchresults.php


And then within the loop, at the point you want to display the heart use:

if (!isset($product_shoppingList[$product["name"]]))
"<a href='".tapestry_shoppingListHREF()."?add=".urlencode($product["name"])."'>❤</a>";

(for example just before the closing </div> at line 67 to show the icon below the Compare Prices / More Information link)

Regarding merchant, bear in mind that if prices are compared whilst there is a merchant field in the $product array if numMerchants is greater than 1 it is not defined which product record it is taken from as search results are generated using a summary query however to display if that is not the case you can use as follows;

if ($product["numMerchants"]==1)


Submitted by Tobix on Mon, 2020-01-20 20:06

So if there are 2 shops or more, can't you enter the shop that offers the lowest price?

as for the shopping list it works great!

Submitted by support on Tue, 2020-01-21 09:32

Hi Tobix,

Sure - first add the following PHP section to the top of html/searchresults.php:

= array();
$searchresults["products"] as $product)
$ins[] = "'".database_safe($product["name"])."'";
$sql "SELECT name,merchant FROM `".$config_databaseTablePrefix."products` WHERE name IN (".implode(",",$ins).") ORDER by name,price";
$cheapest = array();
  if (
$rows as $row)
      if (!isset(
$cheapest[$row["name"]] = $row["merchant"];
$searchresults["products"] as $k => $product)
$searchresults["products"][$k]["merchant"] = $cheapest[$product["name"]];

And then in the loop, you use how you want e.g.

Best price from <?php print $product["merchant"]; ?>
