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Only MySQL ?

Submitted by Peter on Mon, 2006-11-13 00:31 in

Hello David,

is Price Tapestry only running with MySQL?
I ask this, because some people are meaning, that PostgreSQL and MaxDB are very fast and i wish to change my database, if this is true.

Thanks, Peter

Submitted by support on Mon, 2006-11-13 07:27

Hello Peter,

Other database servers may be very fast for certain types of query - particularly more complex queries than are used by Price Tapestry, but for the sort of simple SELECT queries used in this case MySQL is generally accepted to be faster.

In particular, PostgreSQL is very slow at querying a row count which is required to show the number of products returned for a query even though you are only displaying a maximum of, say, 10 per page.

Don't forget that if you want to use PostrgeSQL or another database for another application on your server that you can have both running at the same time so it won't stop you running Price Tapestry with MySQL.


Submitted by Peter on Mon, 2006-11-13 10:03

Thank you very much for this information.
