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Image Display

Submitted by JasonG on Wed, 2006-11-08 16:13 in


I have a few product feeds that have image file names with spaces in them. When I then call them from the database I cache the images if they haven't been previously downloaded, however, the images with spaces in the file names just won't display.

I've tried inserting %20 into the file name to replace the spaces but they still won't display.

If I type the URL of the image directly into the browser the images display ok as the browser automatically replaces the spaces with %20.

Any ideas please?



Submitted by support on Wed, 2006-11-08 17:06

Hi Jason,

If an image URL contains a space it is important that the src attribute in the IMG tag uses quotes; otherwise the URL will become broken. Other than that there's no reason why spaces should cause a problem. The real thing to look at is the HTML that is being generated - the problem should reveal itself in the source - so if you could post a section of the HTML that is being generated when an image is not being display that will help...


Submitted by JasonG on Wed, 2006-11-08 21:58

Hi David,

Thanks for the pointer ...

I use getimagesize to resize the images and it turns out that getimagesize doesn't accept spaces in image file names.

Used the following code and it now works a treat:

$img_src = str_replace(' ','%20',$img_src); //REPLACE THE SPACES

Many thanks
