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Permanent Products

Submitted by zway on Thu, 2017-11-16 00:02 in

Is it possible to have products stored permanently? So if they're not in the latest feed it essentially archives the urls/pages.

Also i've attempted to set up PT on Heroku with not much luck, all working except I cant get any of the imports to work.

Submitted by support on Thu, 2017-11-16 10:18


Sure - you could use the UPDATE / INSERT modification but without the code to delete old products; in other words, ignore the modification to includes/admin.php at line 734.

With this in place what I would suggest would be to remove the code from html/product.php that displays the best price links (let me know if you're not sure exactly what to remove) and then in html/prices.php look for the following code at line 67:

  <td class='pt_pr_visit'><a class='button tiny radius success' href='<?php print tapestry_buyURL($product); ?>'><?php print translate("Visit Store"); ?></a></td>

...and REPLACE with:

  <?php if (!$product["deleteme"]): ?>
  <td class='pt_pr_visit'><a class='button tiny radius success' href='<?php print tapestry_buyURL($product); ?>'><?php print translate("Visit Store"); ?></a></td>
  <?php endif; ?>

Regarding Heroku, first enable database debug mode by changing line 6 in config.advanced.php as follows;

  $config_databaseTablePrefix = TRUE;

...and try the import process again - that might reveal the problem however errors during import may be missed if output buffering is enabled so what you can do is edit includes/database.php and look for the following code at line 56:

  print "[".$sql."][".mysqli_error($link)."]";

...and REPLACE with:

  print "[".$sql."][".mysqli_error($link)."]";exit();

If an error occurs during import the script will then exit at that point...

Hope this helps!
