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Broad Results

Submitted by Cav on Fri, 2017-07-21 10:58 in

I've read a number of forum posts and tried a few options but I'm afraid I'm still not quite getting the result I'm looking for.
If I were to search for a "door handle" my results would return say "door handle screws" and "door handle Widgets", where as I'm only interested in the "door handles".
Is there a way to make search results less broad a d a lot more specific?
Apologies if I've missed similar q&a's.

Submitted by support on Fri, 2017-07-21 13:16

Hello Cav,

The first thing I would suggest would be to try the BOOLEAN MODE modifications - see the last comment here for modifications for all distributions.

The change would be from any to all keywords but can impact relevancy so can work better in some situations, if still not producing the narrowing required let me know and I'll check it out further with you - there is quite a bit of tuning potential with the FULLTEXT indexing...
