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Registering and Importing large feed

Submitted by paddyman on Fri, 2006-11-03 00:25 in

Hi David,

Having trouble importing a feed which is over 100mb. Testing locally at the moment and import is not completing.

Any ideas?

Submitted by support on Fri, 2006-11-03 08:06


A feed that large should really be imported using the command line automation scripts as it is possible that you would even reach a browser time-out let alone a server or PHP configured limit.

To do this, open a shell prompt and do the following - where $ is your command prompt:

$cd /path/to/pricetapestry/scripts
$php import.php filename

...where filename is the name of the feed you wish to import. This will give an indication of progress. If you're still having trouble and the feed is a text based format drop me an email (reply to your reg code or forum registration email) and i'll send you a faster version of Magic Parser that may help....
