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User Accounts

Submitted by zway on Mon, 2016-06-27 01:53 in

Hi David,

What would the easiest way to integrate user accounts into PT? We run a Wordpress install in tandem with PT so that would be one option.

Keen to hear your thoughts.


Submitted by support on Mon, 2016-06-27 08:17

Hello Zway,

Integration with WordPress in some way is probably the best option - especially as user account management is a significant part of its functionality with numerous plugins of course for user-centric features.

Because of the relative complexity of user management it's not something I've wanted to include in Price Tapestry but something I am considering is the possibility of using 3rd party user authentication such as "Login with your Facebook account" etc, so I'll look into whether anything similar exists for WordPress - nothing immediately obvious with a quick search i'm afraid however there is quite a bit of info regarding hooking into the WordPress authentication system from an external site, try searching variations on "wordpress authentication on external site" - many results will of course be regarding the other way around - logging into a WordPress site from an external authentication source but there are certainly some possibilities...


Submitted by support on Mon, 2016-06-27 10:59

Found one...
