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What are the implications of changing DB tables to innodb

Submitted by Nic0904 on Fri, 2016-02-05 18:55 in

Hi David,

A general question are there any issues changing the DB tables to innodb. The reason I am asking is I am using AWS RDS and they recommend using innodb as a lot of their features do not support iSam and a simple reboot crashes tables.

Any implications with PT with innodb?


Submitted by support on Mon, 2016-02-08 09:53

Hi Dave,

I did a quick test and everything looks fine with InnoDB. Bear in mind that you will require MySQL 5.6 or later as FULLTEXT indexing was not added to the InnoDB engine until 5.6. To create an installation using InnoDB simply search and replace "MyISAM" with "InnoDB" in setup.sql before running the set-up process.
