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Confused about AF

Submitted by murph on Mon, 2006-10-16 12:33 in

How do i know which merchants can be used for direct product feeds in affiliate future? I haven't found any yet as far as i can tell...

Submitted by support on Mon, 2006-10-16 13:20


There's a single page with all AF product feed urls here...

Since AF don't automatically generate the product feed with your affiliate ID, you need to use a "Text Before" filter infront of the "Buy URL" field containing the appropriate deeplink URL for that merchant.

The Deep Link URL is the one shown as the basic text link on the get links page for an AF merchant. It should end in "?url=" which is why it works when you put it infront of the product URL from the product feed.


Submitted by murph on Mon, 2006-10-16 14:22

Ok thanks!

Submitted by dbfcs on Tue, 2006-10-17 09:11

I added a load of AF feeds last night to my site.

1) Download product feeds from AF
2) Upload them to your feeds folder
3) Import them into Price Tapestry as normal
4) Click on Filters and add a Text Before filter using the field product_URL
5) For the feed you have chosen (e.g. Acme Co) go to the banners page on AF for it. Right at the top of the page above the banners you will see an AF URL with your details pre-coded into it.
6) Paste this into your filter, and save
7) There is then a link in Price Tapestry that says re-import to make changes effective. Click this.
8) That's it! Repeat as neccessary.

So long as the feed name is the same next time you export it from AF, you won't need to set up a filter each time.

It is a long winded process but gets quicker the more you do it.

Hopefully, AF will get up to speed soon and encode these feeds like most other networks!