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search for merchant

Submitted by harican on Thu, 2006-10-05 08:48 in

I am unable to conduct a simple search.
For example: the search term "gateway" does not give any results, but the search term
"merchant:gateway" does.

Submitted by support on Thu, 2006-10-05 10:23


The search is only based on the product name field; so a search for "gateway" on its own in this instance would not return any results.

If you want the merchant to be included in the product search you would need to incorporate it into the product name using filters. You can do this using the "Text Before" filter - and include the text "Gateway " (notice the space following Gateway) in each product name.

They will then show up for a normal search.

Hope this helps!

Submitted by harican on Thu, 2006-10-05 11:55

NO help at all, though thanks for the quick response.

Adding the text before filter, gateway, only lists the item with the word "gateway" first, but it does not help the search at all.

For some reason, the query only works if the search term is accompanied with the field name. brand:gateway, merchant:gateway, brand:helwlettpackard, etc.

Submitted by support on Thu, 2006-10-05 12:56

If you have added the term "Gateway " before product names they should be showing up for a search for just "gateway". If that's not working i'd need to take a look at your site - can you email me the URL and i'll take a look for you...
