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SEO Best practice for Price Tapestry

Submitted by idbrokersnick on Tue, 2014-04-08 12:31 in

Has anyone got any advice or best practices learned for SEO on Price Tapestry ?

All help and advice appreciated


Submitted by support on Tue, 2014-04-08 14:10

Hello Nick

I intentionally don't over impose any particular SEO philosophy into Price Tapestry, other than supporting clean URLs (with .htaccess and $config_useRewrite) and product page specific titles but the framework is there to customise the page title and meta tags of any page easily according to the user's preferences and own ideas.

Within each of the core files, you'll find where the page title is generated by searching for the following variable:


Similarly, meta keywords and description can be set via





(check the example.php file in the distribution which is intended to be used as a template for any additional files e.g. about-us.php that you wish to use with the standard header / footer includes etc.)

Use the forum search form on this page to look up "SEO" for plenty of ideas and code example, particularly with reference to modifying search.php for preferred titles and meta tags for user queries and A-Z index result pages.

For a new project, particularly if you're planning a larger installation, one strategy might be to use robots.txt to exclude everything except product pages and the merchant A-Z index, which is the objective of the sample robots.txt (robots.txt.dist) found in the distribution, and runs on the demo site here. This would allow a search engine to dedicate resources to indexing your product pages in the first instance (the merchant index is permitted as it guarantees a crawlable route to every product page on your site for search engines that do not use the XML sitemap). Maybe then, once you are seeing good coverage in this area open up the other indexes (category / brand) as these pages can have excellent keyword variety. For a more niche site, it may be better not to restrict anything as there is less demand for resources of course.

Hope this helps! At any time if you're not sure how to implement a particular strategy that you'd like to try just let me know!


Submitted by idbrokersnick on Tue, 2014-04-08 17:15

As always David, fantastic service and advice....

Thank You