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wee problem

Submitted by philstone on Thu, 2006-09-28 16:07 in

Hi dave

could you take a look at this link why does the go to store image appear in the wrong box? 99% of products its ok for, would it be something to do wih having html in the description field?


Submitted by support on Thu, 2006-09-28 16:40

Hi Phil,

It's going wrong in the HTML for the "Dixons Vouchers" link - it's cut off mid URL, so there is an opening ' enclosing the description but there is no terminating '.

I'm assuming that you've added this code to the description using a filter - the problem is that on that product it has taken it over the 250 character limit for display on the search results and it has ended up being cropped in the middle.

In this instance, i'm not sure what to suggest other than either increasing or removing the limit. It's done on this line in html/searchresults.php:

<p><?php print substr($product["description"],0,250); ?></p>

To increase the limit, just increase the last parameter to substr (250 in the above code); otherwise to remove it altogether just use this:

<p><?php print $product["description"]; ?></p>
