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Search by Date

Submitted by mikecdprice on Mon, 2013-07-29 18:49 in

Hello David,

Is it possible to add the function to search by Date. I noticed if I put 7/23/2013 in the search bar. it will change to 7232013 is there a way to allow the date format to be searched to include the slashes / / (07/23/2013)

Thank you,

Submitted by support on Tue, 2013-07-30 08:40

Hi Michael,

You'd need to permit "/" as an allowed character in the normalisation of $q at the top of search.php. Look for the following code at line 6:

  $q = (isset($_GET["q"])?tapestry_normalise($_GET["q"],":\."):"");

...and REPLACE with:

  $q = (isset($_GET["q"])?tapestry_normalise($_GET["q"],":\./"):"");
