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A new page for music

Submitted by thepricesite on Tue, 2006-09-12 09:54 in

Morning all,
i wonder if anybody can help, I have just got an affilate with itunes, i would like to have the entire list of 50 songs/albums displayed instead of 10 items and then clicking the next page.

Can anyone suggest a way forward with this? Do i need to create a new page called music.php and then change the page to display 10 items from a config file?

Hope this makes sense!?


Submitted by support on Tue, 2006-09-12 10:19

Hi Michael,

One way to do it would be a hack that changes the value of $config_resultsPerPage if the category is such and such; for example, you could add this code around about line 153 of search.php (just before all the calls to the HTML modules):

  if ($q == "category:iTunes GB Top 50 Albums:")
    $config_resultsPerPage = 50;

Remember to change the "+" character to a space when copying the search value in the URL.
