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Google Analytics

Submitted by thepricesite on Tue, 2006-09-05 09:14 in

Morning all,
Not sure if anyone uses/used Google Analytics but does anyone have any recommendations as to where i should place the tracking code?
Its a simple jscript tracker (i think).

Or if this isn't the way i should go does anyone else know of a good, easy to install tracker? I'm keen to know what my users are searching without going blind reading the log file!

Michael :)

Submitted by support on Tue, 2006-09-05 10:36

Hi Michael,

Create a file in the /html directory called user_footer_before.php

This file will be included at the end of every page, before the closing tag which is where the Google Analytics is meant to go.

You don't need PHP tags or anything - just create the file and paste your Analytics code straight in.
