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Count Clicks

Submitted by ser_seven on Fri, 2006-08-25 16:40 in


I wanted to ask if someone of you uses a software to count the clicks produced on the products of the present clients in your web site realized with pricetapestry
Usually I used phpadsnew ( is an advertising management platform), but I don't see whether to integrate the two softwares.
You use some softwares or do you have other systems?

Kelkoo for example offers an area to own clients administration to check the course of the received clicks

Sorry for my english :)

Submitted by support on Fri, 2006-08-25 17:18

Hello Ser,

If you enable the jump.php script you will be able to see a click count in the admin section alongside each feed, although it won't give a count per product - just per merchant. In config.php make sure that you have:

$config_useTracking = true;


Submitted by ser_seven on Fri, 2006-08-25 19:48

Si si questo già lo conoscevo, ma avevo bisogno di qualcosa di diverso...