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Looking for a dedicated server

Submitted by wilkins on Thu, 2006-08-10 18:50 in


At present we are with 1and1 hosting on their shared enterprise server package, although price tapestry works great and we have automated everything without problems, there is a limit on databases you are allowed, this is 15 databases each with 100 meg.

These are soon getting used up and some feeds are bigger than 1 database will allow.

What I needed help with, is anyone using the root dedicated server with plesk from 1and1, and if so have they had any problems, also any other server providers that people are happy with would also be appreciated.

We do not want to get a server then find there are issues with.



Submitted by support on Thu, 2006-08-10 18:56

Hi Brent,

This site and (the Price Tapestry demo site) used to be hosted on a 1&1 Root Server and I had no problems at all (I only moved away because I had some spare capacity on another server so couldn't really justify the box anymore).

We also had a thread a while ago called "Recommended Hosts" that may be worth looking at...


Submitted by krispy1812 on Fri, 2006-08-11 14:02 have some not bad UK server deals, and as part of the PIPEX telecommunications group, you have a big solid company behind you - tier 1 unlimited bandwidth, fully secured and managed.