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Search OR external.php

Submitted by Stew on Fri, 2011-01-28 11:29 in

Hi there,

I have asked this before but am working on a new installation and have a new external.php, basically I'm trying to search for one keyword OR another e.g:

$_GET["q"] = "black table,white table";

Thus display results that contain both black and white tables,

Should I modify the external.php to do this?

Many Thanks,


Submitted by support on Fri, 2011-01-28 12:04

Hi Stew,

Could you email me your external.php (and also your previously modified version if you have this working how you'd like from another site) and I'll merge the changes / make the changes as required - it's a bit involved as the query needs to be split up into parts by "," resulting in (table AND black) OR (table AND white)...
