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static links to custom search results pages

Submitted by badger on Fri, 2006-08-04 13:34 in


I would like to add static links that pull specific results pages.
What do i need to do to create a link that uses a specific query?
e.g. All products where the price is between x and y

if i do this will the URL rewriting still work for theses links? Will the sitemap generation tool crawl these new results pages?

Thanks for any input

Submitted by support on Fri, 2006-08-04 16:35

Hi There,

Static links without a price band are straight forward. Since the search form uses the GET method all you need to do is copy the URL from the address bar on a search that you wish to create a link for and use it, unmodified, as the link.

For example:

Fridge Freezers

Currently there is no index on the price field in the products table so a search by price band would be extremely slow. What I would recommend in the first instance is that since you are hand coding the links you could deep link to a results page in which the price band is of the value you require, for example:

Fridge Freezers £200+

URL rewriting should not be affected - you can create deep links to any working page on your site, but note that search result pages are not included in the automatically generated sitemap as they are not recorded anywhere.
