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Sidebar to filter results

Submitted by javigdiaz on Mon, 2010-11-29 09:24 in

dear david,

thank you very much for your patch to filter results by brand, price, merchant, etc. It works perfect!

Just a sugestion. The script works this form:

- make the query to the database
- get results
- make a form and display results in a SELECT List Menu
- get the button to apply filter

Instead of using a select list, could it be posible to return the results like a list (UL / OL ) and the same results are links to the filter?

By example:

We have in Brands Coca-cola and Pepsi. The idea is create an ordered list

- Cocacola
- Pepsi

I realise that with your way you can apply the 3 filters at the same time, but for some users, could it be easier to understand this way.

Could you write the code to do it this way for brand, merchand and category?

thank you very much in advance


Submitted by support on Mon, 2010-11-29 11:18

Hi javier,

Sure - i've just sent you an alternative version of html/searchresults.php to try!
