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ClixGalore DataFeeds

Submitted by krispy1812 on Sun, 2006-07-30 17:47 in


I seem to be having problems with the clixgalore datafeeds.I read the information that was posted on another post containing the datafeeds links. The clixgalore datafeeds have the merchant and affiliate ids included in the links.

The problem I am having is that the datafeeds don't appear to be registering on my site admin area. They certainly appear for registering after uploading, but don't import anything.

Clixgalore provides a url for the direct feed download, which I have just been right-clicking and selecting 'save target as', then selecting XML as the type. I did also setup my clixgalore account for XML feeds, which tye require you to do before accessing the datafeed downloads.

But nothing imports.

I have tried playing around with it, but nothing so far has worked. Does anyone else have this problem, and is there something I am not doing right ?


Submitted by support on Sun, 2006-07-30 19:54


The most common reason for an empty import is where the wrong field name is registered as the product name. This can happen in XML feeds where the products are in XML records using PRODUCTS/PRODUCT/...

Because of this structure, the field name "PRODUCT" appears in the list, whilst the actual product may be in a field called "NAME".

Otherwise, if you can let me know where I can download the an example that I can try on my test server - you can email me a URL to your /feeds/ directory on your site if you like and i'll take a look!


Submitted by lowndsy on Sun, 2006-08-20 23:51

I had this problem with a xml feed and it turned out to be because there was an invalid character in the filename - in this case a bracket. Try making sure the filename is all letters - rename it to a.xml to make sure it is definitely valid alphanumeric.