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Long Buy URL - not getting affiliate credit

Submitted by srl2112 on Thu, 2006-07-27 19:45 in

I'm tring to troubleshoot why I'm not getting credit for my affiliate sales. Everything in my Price Tapestry program seems fine. I'm wondering if its possible that my buy urls are too long: about 350 characters. Even though I'm able to get to the right merchant buy url, is it possible that they are not getting the full buy url, and therefore not giving me credit for the sale? Is there a file character limit somewhere?

--Thanks so much - Steve

Submitted by support on Thu, 2006-07-27 20:24

Hi Steve,

The Buy URL is a "text" SQL data type in the database, so it can be up to 65535 characters long. To make sure that everything's working OK, first make sure that you're not using tracking, so in config.php, set:

  $config_useTracking = false;

Then, navigate to the products page for something with a long affiliate URL,hover your mouse pointer over the link to the merchant, and copy the link location to the clipboard.

Paste the link into Notepad or another text editor; and compare it to what you think the affiliate URL should be just to check that everything looks OK.
