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content items

Submitted by badger on Thu, 2006-07-27 09:02 in

hi David, i have another query for you.

How would you add content items? for example, to target specific terms for SEO i might want to tie in keywords, product names, prices etc. So if i could generate links that say, cheap , or for less than £50. This would mean i could create a bunch of new targeted search engine friendly pages in seconds.


Submitted by support on Thu, 2006-07-27 09:24


I'm afraid i'm not really sure what you mean by "content items" or where you want to create these links. You can of course create manual links to deep-link into your website on any page. If you want to use values from the database you can do this by studying the variables that are used in the HTML modules.

For example, in html/product.php you will see the following line of code:

<?php $mainProduct $product["products"][0]; ?>

Anywhere else on that page you could create HTML using any values in the array $mainProduct; which you can study by using the print_r function...


These arrays are created from database queries, so note however that for performance reasons the scripts normally only select the fields that are required so you will almost always find existing code to display all the items.

Can you could give an exact example of the content you wish to add and on what page?


Submitted by badger on Thu, 2006-07-27 09:48

Thanks David,

So let say i have a category 'DVD Players' and i know people are searching for 'portable dvd players', 'car dvd players', 'region free dvd players' I would like to create landing pages for these search terms.

So i would need to match up the category with a bunch of keywords (portable, car, region free) and maybe display the links below the category name on the category page.

These keywords would have to be present in either the product name or description field for the item to be in the new landing page

DVD players
portable dvd players
car dvd players
region free dvd players

I suppose this would mean having another memo field in the category maping admin section to input the search terms for each category.

let me know what you think.