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subdirectory redirect

Submitted by philstone on Tue, 2009-12-08 00:57 in

Hi David

a while ago you helped me with code to automatically redirect product name variances to the product mapped product name

eg /ACER-AS1410T.html redirects to /Acer-Aspire-1410T.html

i cant find the node you helped me in, it works great but when on a subdirectory instead of going to, it goes to

is there an easy solution to fix this?


Submitted by support on Tue, 2009-12-08 07:10

Hi Phil,

Check whether it's the actual links, or the redirects that's going wrong. On search results within /sub/ hover over a product link and see whether you have /product.html (incorrect) or /sub/product.html (correct).

If it's the former (most likely); it will be a case of the code modifications to remove /product/ not including $config_baseHREF at the start of the URL. Perhaps if you could email me a link to the site i'll take a look and then I'll be able to let you know which files I'll need to correct the links...
