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Premature end of script headers

Submitted by Eddie on Wed, 2006-05-31 15:17 in


I have just re-insalled PT from scratch - all new and clean,

I am getting the error "Premature end of script headers", Internal Server Error HTTP 500 Error

From: feeds_import.php?limit=0&filename=all.csv

Any ideas?

Submitted by support on Sat, 2006-06-03 09:36

Hi Eddie,

Long time no hear - hope things are going well (except for this error!)

Are you still having this problem? It's a new one for PT - i've Googled that particular error message and it generally points to an error in the configuration of PHP.

Couple of Qs to help diagnose...

- Is it specific to a particular feed?

- Does it happen immiediately after you click on "Register and Import", or is there a significant delay before the error occurs (and presumably nothing is imported?)

- Does a trial import work?


Submitted by jmrwv on Fri, 2006-09-08 08:06

I am actually having this problem with a fresh install of PT.

This is happening with the first feed I'm trying to test with, so I don't know if the problem is specific to this feed.

There is a delay of about five to ten seconds, after I click Import, before I get the 500 server error.

The trial import works fine.

Is it possible that a character that PT doesn't like that's somewhere in the feed could cause this type of error? I noticed one of the fields contains a "/" character and I thought I might have read somewhere that it needs to be filtered out.


Submitted by support on Fri, 2006-09-08 08:18

Hi Jim,

The / characters will be filtered out - that shouldn't be the cause of a server error during import - although it would be worthwhile trying a second feed just incase.

Because this generally points to a configuration problem between PHP and Apache, it would be interesting to see if you can use the automation scripts to import the feed - as if there was any kind of error occuring then it would be displayed in the output.

To use the automation script, you need to be able to log in to your hosting account using either Telnet or SSH, and then (from the Price Tapestry installation directory):

$cd scripts/
$php import.php <filename>

Where $ is the command prompt (it may not be a $ on your system), and is the name of the feed that you have registered.
