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WGet disabled, as well as the PHP Version - alternatives?

Submitted by Nick on Thu, 2007-11-08 18:20 in


Been a while :)

My host has disabled WGet, and when I try the PHP alternatives listed here I get this: Warning: fopen(): URL file-access is disabled in the server configuration....

I need to download the XML files somehow!

Any idea if there is another alternative? When I mailed the host they suggested I try Lynx?

Submitted by support on Thu, 2007-11-08 18:24

Hi Nick,

I've never used Lynx, but since your host has suggested it you would have thought that it should work OK on their servers. It seems to work from the command line as follows:

lynx > something.html on that basis, you should be able to use it interchangeably with the instructions for WGET, so instead of:

wget -O merchant.xml "" would use:

lynx "" > merchant.xml

Hope this helps,

Submitted by Nick on Thu, 2007-11-08 19:23

Hiya! Thanks for your response, but that unfortunately doesnt work....BUT!

After much playing around, this DOES :)

lynx -dump -source > feedexample.xml

Normal lynx strips the html formatting, the -source keeps the formatting, the -dump saves it as a file.

Going to test, and am hoping I am not going to run into any problems!