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Template & right hand side filter

Submitted by imran on Sun, 2016-06-05 13:09 in

Hi David
I really want to use your template as i love it. But I want to have site like {link saved}.

By using your script how can built site like that. Do you know any developer who can help me to built?

Few things which i want to know.

1. theme
2. most important: right hand side dynamic filters.
3. products under page

Please let me know.


Submitted by support on Mon, 2016-06-06 09:46

Hello Imran,

Thank you for your comments! As Price Tapestry is a niche product there isn't really a developer community in the same way as, say WordPress - but as everything is clearly coded and there are no fancy methodologies used any competent PHP / MySQL or if you are looking for something more specifically front end then HTML5 / CSS3 developer would be able to help you.

The "Catch 22" for me i'm afraid, as I am often asked if I can recommend developers is that I don't use 3rd party developers myself and I would only ever want to recommend somebody who's work I have first hand experience of.

Having sad that, a couple of template developers have contacted me recently who are interested in developing templates / themes for Price Tapestry so I am creating a template developer's pack / distribution to assist with this so please watch this space - I will be linking to all 3rd party templates through a new website as these become available.

In the mean time, you mentioned sidebar filters - no problem, I have a patch for this include auto-submit so that search results update dynamically as merchant / category / brand filters are selected with no need to submit the form. As you have been using the script for some time now in-case your email address is no longer in use if you could email me revision.php from the installation you wish to add sidebar filters to I'll forward the patch to you...
