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Filters select boxes for products

Submitted by mannvenn on Thu, 2017-02-16 01:19 in

I see currently we got merchant, brand and price filters.
Is it possible to show more filters color, sizes, category/sub category filters too ?
How easy or hard is this?

Submitted by support on Thu, 2017-02-16 09:20


If you have Category Hierarchy enabled, and feed categories mapped into the Category Hierarchy using the configuration page for each category then you should see a Category filter displayed - bear in mind filters will only display if the query used to generate the contents of the drop down box for that filter returned any results - also note that specific filters are not displayed when the search results are showing an index associate with that filter, for example if you click Merchant A-Z, and select a merchant, there will be no merchant filter shown on the results page - let me know if you're still not sure.

Regarding filters for custom fields - yes these can be added easily by replicating all the code associated with one of the existing filters (typically brandFilter since it is the last in the sequence of merchant / category / brand filter code). There is a step-by-step guide for the changes required to do this in this thread - which actually uses a custom `colour` field as the example, but notice the difference in spelling...!
