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Click Accuracy?

Submitted by ItsDavid on Wed, 2017-02-01 02:16 in

Hi David,

In my admin panel i am showing 100's of clicks however when i check my affiliate networks none of them show up. Any ideas?

I have clicked on a couple products to test and see if those clicks are getting registered at my affiliate networks and they do show up. Why would i be showing 100's of clicks in the admin panel but none of them are showing up in my affiliate networks?

This has got me scratching my head.

Best Regards

Submitted by support on Wed, 2017-02-01 10:01

Hi David,

The click tracking via jump.php is extremely basic, network tracking is far more sophisticated including duplicate prevention and in particular automated (robot) clicks which is most like the case here if you have not yet put a robots.txt in place to disallow the jump.php script. There is a recommended robots.txt.dist in the distribution but if you already have a file in place, make sure to add a disallow for jump.php as follows;

User-agent: *
Disallow: /jump.php

If you want to reset clicks, you can use the following script:


$sql "UPDATE `".$config_databaseTablePrefix."feeds` SET clicks=0";

Run once from the top level folder of your Price Tapestry installation and then delete from the server. Bear in mind that it may be a few days before robots update their cache of your robots.txt file...

Hope this helps!
