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Best Product Price Link

Submitted by DubaiCrazy on Fri, 2016-10-21 14:12 in

I would like to amend the best product price link that is referred to by this call:

print $product_bestPriceMerchants

I would like to have beneath the merchants name a button that allows us to take the customer to the site, as well as the textual link with the merchants name. What do I need to amend to make this happen?

Thanks as always, love this software and forum!


Submitted by support on Fri, 2016-10-21 14:54

Hi Chris,

Thank you for your comments!

The $product_bestPriceMerchants HTML is constructed at the top of html/product.php. To create merchant name / Visit Store buttons (same as appear in price comparison table), look for the following code beginning at line 12:

      $html = "<a href='".tapestry_buyURL($p)."'>".$p["merchant"]."</a>";
      if ($p["voucher_code"])
        $html .= " (".translate("using voucher code")." <span class='pt_pr_vouchercode'>".$p["voucher_code"]."</span>)";
      $product_bestPriceMerchants[] = $html;

...and REPLACE with:

      $html = "<li style='text-align:center;'>";
      $html .= "<a href='".tapestry_buyURL($p)."'>".$p["merchant"]."</a>";
      if ($p["voucher_code"])
        $html .= " (".translate("using voucher code")." <span class='pt_pr_vouchercode'>".$p["voucher_code"]."</span>)";
      $html .= "<br /><a class='button tiny radius success' href='".tapestry_buyURL($p)."'>".translate("Visit Store")."</a>";
      $html .= "</li>";
      $product_bestPriceMerchants[] = $html;

Then look for the following code at line 23:

  $product_bestPriceMerchants = implode(", ",$product_bestPriceMerchants);

...and REPLACE with:

  $product_bestPriceMerchants = "<ul class='small-block-grid-1 medium-block-grid-2'>".implode(", ",$product_bestPriceMerchants)."</ul>";

This uses Foundation's block-grid-n classes so that the merchants and buttons will be aligned neatly...

Hope this helps!
