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Show All product Images from all merchants On product Page

Submitted by keshavkshirsagar on Wed, 2015-08-19 15:47 in

Hello David

On Product page image will display whose price will be minimum

If I want to show other images from other merchant then what to do

Product Main Image - whose price will be minimum
Product img gallery - Images From other merchant

Submitted by support on Thu, 2015-08-20 07:40


You can loop over $product["products"] to access the image_url value for each merchant. The following example code will load an array ($images) with all available image_url values for all merchants on the page except for the cheapest merchant, who's image will be displayed as the main image on the page:

= array();
$product["products"] as $p)
    if (
$p["image_url"]) $images[] = $p["image_url"];
  if (
$images as $k => $image)
      if (!
$k) continue;
"<li><img src='".$image."' /></li>";

The first (cheapest) merchant is excluded with this line:

      if (!$k) continue;

Hope this helps!


Submitted by keshavkshirsagar on Thu, 2015-08-20 13:39

Hello David

This code is working
