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Link in Google

Submitted by wesse249 on Wed, 2015-06-17 13:33 in

Hello David,

A lot of ads in Google have this url

So visitor aren't going to my site but are directly redirect to the affiliate company.

Doesn't this affect commissions? Because visitors aren't going to my site.

Is here a solution for?

Greetings Jan Roel

Submitted by support on Wed, 2015-06-17 13:44

Hello Jan,

You should make sure that jump.php is excluded via your robots.txt file so that it doesn't become inadvertently indexed.

There is a recommended robots.txt for a Price Tapestry installation included in the distribution as robots.txt.dist but I don't include this as robots.txt by default since many users prefer to have search results pages - particularly for the indexes (category / brand) - available as they provide great keyword variety so if you are otherwise happy with your search engine coverage, a minimum recommended robots.txt would be:

User-Agent: *
Disallow: /jump.php


Submitted by wesse249 on Wed, 2015-06-17 13:51


I allready activate it directly. But i have lot of links in google with jump.php.

Blocking jump.php isn't also blocking

Submitted by support on Wed, 2015-06-17 13:55

Hello Jan,

Once a robots.txt exclusion has been added search engines are normally quite quick to remove matching links from their index. Regarding your /product/ pages, as long as you don't have any robots.txt rules beginning /product/ these would not be affected.
