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Submitted by gahanpip on Thu, 2015-06-04 10:53 in

I have been finding mostly dead links such as the one below when carrying out a search - what causes this?

Submitted by support on Thu, 2015-06-04 11:19


As there's no part of the script that would generate that path (.aspx is a Microsoft active server pages file extension) I think this is possibly down to corrupt data in one of your feeds - it indicates that possibly something went wrong in the process that generates the feed and where there should be the buy URL is just


What I would suggest is go to /admin/ of your Price Tapestry installation, click Global Filters and add a new Drop Record If Not filter against the Buy URL field. In the text box on the configuration page for the filter, enter:


This will ensure that only products with "http" in the Buy URL are imported. After applying the filter, import each feed in turn and monitor the Products count to see if it drops significantly after adding the filter.

If this does appear to be the case, this kind of thing is often transient, so the first thing to do would be to refresh the feed from source - e.g. by re-running your Automation Tool job for the feed if this is how the feed is set-up. Then re-import to see if that resolves issue.

If not, let me know and I'll check it out further with you of course.

Hope this helps!
