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Adding variable to search results in pto_search

Submitted by richard on Fri, 2014-01-31 19:59 in

Hi David

I have worked through this thread to add more filters. It appears from the line number references that the coding on pto and pto_search have changed since you helped Henk.

Although there is already a minPrice and maxPrice functionality, I would like to duplicate this functionality so that a user filter on minDiscount and maxDiscount as well.

I have looked through emails from 2009 but the pto upgrade is so different to the stand alone PT installation.

How would I go about this with the pto installation?


Ps have a good weekend!

Submitted by support on Sun, 2014-02-02 09:39

Hi Richard,

For version 2, to replicate minPrice/maxPrice for minDiscount/maxDiscount first in pto.php look for the following code at line 573:

  array_push($vars, 'pto_merchantFilter');

...and REPLACE with:

  array_push($vars, 'pto_minDiscount');
  array_push($vars, 'pto_maxDiscount');
  array_push($vars, 'pto_merchantFilter');

Then in pto_search.php look for the following code at line 82:

  if ($pto_merchantFilter)

...REPLACE with:

  global $pto_minDiscount;
  global $pto_maxDiscount;
  if (isset($pto_minDiscount) && $pto_minDiscount)
    $pto_minDiscount = sprintf("%.2f",$pto_minDiscount);
    $pto_minDiscount = "";
  if (isset($pto_maxDiscount) && $pto_maxDiscount)
    $pto_maxDiscount = sprintf("%.2f",$pto_maxDiscount);
    $pto_maxDiscount = "";
  if ($pto_minDiscount || $pto_maxDiscount)
    if ($pto_minDiscount && $pto_maxDiscount)
      $priceWhere .= " AND price BETWEEN '".$pto_minDiscount."' AND '".$pto_maxDiscount."' ";
    elseif ($pto_minDiscount)
      $priceWhere .= " AND price > '".$pto_minDiscount."' ";
    elseif ($pto_maxDiscount)
      $priceWhere .= " AND price < '".$pto_maxDiscount."' ";
  if ($pto_merchantFilter)

Then the following code at line 446:

  if ($pto_merchantFilter) $sortBaseHREF .= "&pto_merchantFilter=".urlencode($pto_merchantFilter);

...and REPLACE with:

  global $pto_minDiscount;
  global $pto_maxDiscount;
  if ($pto_minDiscount) $sortBaseHREF .= "&pto_minDiscount=".urlencode($pto_minDiscount);
  if ($pto_maxDiscount) $sortBaseHREF .= "&pto_maxDiscount=".urlencode($pto_maxDiscount);
  if ($pto_merchantFilter) $sortBaseHREF .= "&pto_merchantFilter=".urlencode($pto_merchantFilter);

And finally the following code at line 664:

  global $pto_minDiscount;
  global $pto_maxDiscount;
  if ($pto_minDiscount) $navigationBaseHREF .= "&pto_minDiscount=".urlencode($pto_minDiscount);
  if ($pto_maxDiscount) $navigationBaseHREF .= "&pto_maxDiscount=".urlencode($pto_maxDiscount);
  if ($pto_merchantFilter) $navigationBaseHREF .= "&pto_merchantFilter=".urlencode($pto_merchantFilter);

Hope this helps!


Submitted by richard on Sun, 2014-02-02 19:37

Hi David

Many thanks, it works a treat :)

How could I keep the minDiscount/maxDiscount variables to persist when using the search filter widget?

For example, once I have user click on link that searches for min/max discount, it would be nice if user could refine search using existing filter widget. At the moment the widget ignores the min/max discount and returns all results again.



Submitted by support on Mon, 2014-02-03 17:43

Hi Richard,

Ah - to persist the variables through the filter form, in pto_search.php, look for the following code at line 923:

  $html = str_replace("%ACTION%",get_bloginfo('url').$pto_config_permalink,$html);

...and REPLACE with:

  $html = str_replace("%ACTION%",get_bloginfo('url').$pto_config_permalink,$html);
  global $pto_minDiscount;
  global $pto_maxDiscount;
  $html = str_replace("</form>","<input type='hidden' name='pto_minDiscount' value='".$pto_minDiscount."' /></form>",$html);
  $html = str_replace("</form>","<input type='hidden' name='pto_maxDiscount' value='".$pto_maxDiscount."' /></form>",$html);


Submitted by richard on Mon, 2014-02-03 18:28


Thank you!