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Forum Reorganisation

Submitted by support on Mon, 2013-08-26 13:15 in

Hi everyone,

Over the next few weeks I'm going to go through the process of organising all the threads since the very first verison of Price Tapestry launched back in 2006 into appropriate categories covering Installation and Setup, Feed Management and Administration and Template Customisation and Modifications.

This will enable new users to locate relevant information more quickly, and in each section I will build up an "FAQ" as I go of the most common questions with links to documentation and threads covering those subjects.

I am also planning a series of Video Guides to provide step-by-step walk-throughs of all aspects of setting up and managing a Price Tapestry site as there are lot of new users starting out with the script now that search engines are able to recognise and are considering price comparison as a "value add", enabling Price Tapestry powered affiliate sites to stand out above single pages created with unmodified datafeed content such as those created with the free or budget datafeed and API only scripts.

Apologies for any inconvenience caused trying to locate threads as the forum is reorganised however links returned by the site search will be unchanged. From now on, please start any new threads in the relevant sub-forum.


Submitted by stevewales20 on Mon, 2013-08-26 14:44

Great stuff! Needed this for a while, the community has surely outgrown the old set up. The new setup is looking better already! Good luck!

Submitted by 2fer on Tue, 2013-08-27 18:20

I like it, this gives a better starting point and will help determine what is current. Thank you for the amazing level of support!

Submitted by tommo101 on Sat, 2013-09-07 08:53

This is fantastic news. The one difficult thing i've always found about this site is using the forums to find info and stuff.