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not registering and importing

Submitted by rolli1 on Tue, 2013-07-23 14:31 in

Hi David,
I use a subdomain for a merchant {link saved}. I ran setup.php and everything Shows "pass" then clicked "create tables" that worked fine and I was taken to the feed registering page.
I let the feed autodetect and then I did the following steps to fill the tables, but when I clicked on "Register" nothing happened and I was redirected to the registering page. Tryed to Register several times but always not registered.



Submitted by support on Tue, 2013-07-23 16:15

Hi Roland,

If you have made this new installation from a copy of another, perhaps heavily modified installation including custom fields the most likely reason for this happening is that the dbmod scripts for one or more custom fields have not yet been applied to the new installation, and therefore registration fails when the new feed registration SQL is executed.

To save you having to work out which dbmod scripts need to be run, here is a "universal" version which will create the new fields required for any custom fields. Create this as dbmod.php in the installation directory of your new installation, and then browse to dbmod.php:

$config_databaseDebugMode FALSE;
$ignore = array("name","description","image_url","buy_url","price","category","brand");
$config_fieldSet as $field => $v)
    if (
in_array($field,$ignore)) continue;
$sql "ALTER TABLE `".$config_databaseTablePrefix."feeds`
              ADD `field_"
.$field."` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL";
$sql "ALTER TABLE `".$config_databaseTablePrefix."products`
              ADD `"
.$field."` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL";

Hope this helps!


Submitted by rolli1 on Tue, 2013-07-23 16:32

Hi David,
seems to work, but when copying the code I got strange chinese words.


and thanks a lot.
