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Show listings on a map(radius search)

Submitted by ziziplanet on Tue, 2013-07-16 06:49 in


Is there a solution for search in a radius and show result on a map? Like in the local directory scripts.. It will be useful for real estate or hotels, etc..


Submitted by support on Tue, 2013-07-16 08:02

Hi ziziplanet,

There's nothing like that built in but if you have a data set with lat and lon data I am actually familiar with writing PHP code to calculate a the lat/lon boundaries for given radius from a given point which then translates easily into an SQL query using BETWEEN. You would also require either a location dataset or geocoding API (the free tier Google Maps API may be an option) but if you have that in place let me know and I'll dig out my lat/lon boundary code for you to have a play with...
