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Product Mapping Description

Submitted by gregor on Wed, 2013-05-15 17:27 in

I had an existing unmapped product and then noticed that another merchant added the same product, so I created a Product Mapping record using the original product's name (since the page was already getting traffic). Then I added a custom description and mapped both products by name. I re-imported both merchants but the custom description is not being used. Is that because I'm using the exact name from one of the products? The mapped product always uses the description of the product with the matching name (which is also the cheaper one).

Is this how the custom description is supposed to work? Do you know what I would need to do to use the custom description instead of the existing product description in all cases (if it exists)?


Submitted by support on Thu, 2013-05-16 08:48

Hello Gregor,

It shouldn't be affected by one of them having the same name as the mapping anyway - both products should be given the custom description so it sounds like something may be out of place in includes/admin.php. First, if you could confirm that the custom description is being saved correctly, so when you go back into the Product Mapping your custom description is still there, and then if you could email me includes/admin.php I'll double check that all is in place there...
