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Align Logo/Search bar to the centre of Search Page

Submitted by fstore on Fri, 2011-06-10 11:38 in

Hi David
So far my experience of installing and using Price tapestry has been smooth. I pleasantly surprise with the level of support you provide to all users.

I have just added "SidebarFilter" Plus I added html/user_header_after.php and html/user_footer_before.php

I would like to centrally align my search bar and logo on search page. currently it align to left {link saved}

Also because now we got three columns on search page (Left-Centre and Right) can I change the background color of each column? (similar to this {link saved})

Thanks in advance

Submitted by support on Fri, 2011-06-10 14:22

Hi fstore,

I have followed up to your email for more info and to request the files needed to look at this and your other request regarding disappearing sidebar...


Submitted by fstore on Fri, 2011-06-10 14:40

OK I will be sending you file soon.

Submitted by support on Fri, 2011-06-10 14:40


There are a few, I put a list in my email.

Let me know if you haven't received it...


Submitted by bat on Mon, 2017-02-13 19:56

Pulling my hair out tring to centre align the search bar just on the index page using 15/09A.
Tried wrapping the require("html/searchform.php"); in div tags and using css with no joy. It's still aligned right.
Your wizard-like skills would be gratefully appreciated, David.

Submitted by support on Tue, 2017-02-14 08:30

Hello bat,

First remove the left hand column / logo area which begins at line 3:

  <div class='small-12 medium-6 columns'>

After deleting the above, you would then have the following code at line 3:

  <div class='small-12 medium-6 columns'>

...REPLACE with:

  <div class='small-12 medium-6 medium-centered columns'>
